
Sunday, October 14, 2012

A question to all-what is good for society?

 we have seen that,unethical practices are followed by all sectors,private as well as public.It would be good for society if such practices are reduced from both the sectors.However, if  you were asked a question-

which is more good for society, eradication of unethical practices from private sectors or Public sectors?----what is your answer?
    where do we start first?

Any answers?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Friends,

    I just returned to Bangalore after concluding the MCGM 2nd batch training program. We had great time with the second batch too. I think you should invite them as well here.

    Coming to the poser here, my take is that if the dividing line is between public sector and private sector,then three scenarios arise. Unethical practices between private sector to private sector, between private sector and public sector, and finally, public sector to public sector. And all the three need to be worked on.

    The motives in all the cases need to be addressed. One situation is where one is stuck in the 'system' of the unethical practices where one is part of a 'syndicate' (more often found in Govt arena), where even if you do not want to be party to it, you have to go along. The second situation is stand alone, where an individual alone is beneficiary of the unethical practice.

    In my opinion, if one is motivated enough to come out of the unethical practices, he/she can begin at the second situation. This will build his/her inner strength and can cast positive influence on the so called 'syndicate' members. And this can begin in both, public and private sectors. However, its inception in public sector will have wider positive impact as the public sector often works in monopoly fields.

